Live from Manassas Virginia USA its........

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The predicted winter storm slid on by last night with only rain until this morning. All my logs (W1CRO/KW4AW/W1CRO) have been uploaded to eQSL. The W1CRO logs from 1970 – 1997 have been uploaded to LoTW. Waiting for certificates to upload the KW4AW logs and the newer (2003 – present) W1CRO logs to LoTW. Celebrated by finishing work on an old RASCAL interface that I bought several years ago. Tried it out on 14070 kHz yesterday and today. Had a nice almost 100% QRM-free PSK31 QSO with Stan, N1ZX down in Stuart, FL. Used my IC-703 on battery and the R7 vertical for QSO with Stan; used the R7 and TH-3jr for QSOs with The Death Match contesters on 14070 kHz. After experimenting with PSK31 to find which of three programs “fits me” the best (PSK31, DigiPan, MixW), I'll try some ops with the new SMART keyboard Interface (by N4YG) kit that I built recently. Tests a while back for several CW contacts show that it will be a real barn-burner for long QSOs; and contesting should be neat with it.

And it's time to revise this web page to get rid of the forever scrolling text and get a better “look”.


Winter is fast approaching here in Northern Virginia.  Canova Ranch has been inundated with a heavy crop of beech and oak leaves this year.  That didn’t get in the way of antenna repairs and improvements.  In August a contingent of “younger” hams from the Ole Virginia Amateur Radio Club descended on Canova Ranch to make repairs to the HF beam and other antennas located on the 35 mast here.  All repairs were successful and W1CRO is QRV 160 – 440.  After extensive testing, a trap vertical was lowered, packed and shipped to KC0OSG.  This was replaced recently by a Cushcraft R7. 

Finally, all old logs have been extracted from an old unsupported DOS program and then converted for use with Scott Davis’ (N3FJP) Amateur Contact Log V3.0 .  After importing some contest logs from 2005 – 2006 and adding some contacts listed on scraps of paper “here and there”, my logs will be backed up and I’ll finally be current.  Then I’ll try my hand at uploading to eQSL and LOTW.

 Seems my brains got a bit scrambled when I upgraded to Advanced from General in 1997 – I opted for a W4 call (KU4MI). Several attempts at “better” calls (KX4AW, KW4AW) were sabotaged by my brain-fist coordination and W1CRO kept creeping in.  So after six years, in 2003, I reclaimed my original call (W1CRO).  So, it has been a long way from 1954-1955 when I first received my WN1CRO license.

Now that things are settling down, I hope to keep this page current and, perhaps, add some more pictures of the hamshack and antennas.


2005 Field Day is Here


We are back up and running!


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Two generations of Amateur Radio Operators "HAMS"


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This page was last updated on:  16 December 2007

Copyright 2003-2007